Zoom on : The Hatchery Team
Within NOVOGEN, the hatchery is the core of the production process and is the link between the selection carried out in the R&D farm and our distributor customers. The main objective of the hatchery is to deliver high-quality day-old grandparent and parent chicks with the highest health status in line with customer requirements.
The team includes:
- Tristan Petit, incubation manager. His role is to manage the hatchery’s day-to-day operations, from reception of hatching eggs to their transfer to the hatchery. He is responsible for the incubation conditions of the hatching eggs.
- Peggy PawlowskI, Hatching Manager. Her main task is to organise the activity during hatching and coordinate the internal and external teams. She also ensures that the day-old chick services meet customer demand.
- Fanny Guillaume, Gwénael Gueho, David Gicquel, multi-purpose hatchery operators. All of them have general duties and participate in the tasks of the hatchery. They also have more specific tasks: management of consumable purchases, management of laundry, replacement of incubation/hatching sector managers.
- Alexis Rouillé, maintenance technician. He provides preventive and curative maintenance for the production tool. He is a driving force in the improvement of our process.
- Marie Corbier, Assistant Hatchery Manager. Her role is to organise the work of the entire team. She is in close contact with all our service providers.
The NOVOGEN Hatchery Team is made up of passionate people who work closely together using their complementary skills. Our priority is to satisfy our customers’ demands. The whole team is headed up by Zaccharie Delcourt who acts as coordinator, energising and reinforcing team cohesion.

Additional information
For any information request, please contact us : contact.novogen@novogen-layers.com