Novogen organized a field trip for a Nicaraguan delegation

Novogen organized a field trip for a Nicaraguan delegation

Novogen organized a field trip for a Nicaraguan delegation

NOVOGEN and its distributor Novogen do Brasil had the pleasure to welcome a delegation from Nicaragua that was eager to know our product better as well as our organization.


In April, a visit to the Espiritu Santo state was arranged, so the visitors can see our product performing in conditions similar to those found in Nicaragua. This trip was the perfect opportunity for an exchange between egg producers from different nations that will share a common product. Several subjects such as rearing practices and performance, production traits and product features were shared by Ovos Jetiva, the company that welcomed us for the visit.


For NOVOGEN SAS, Tomás Pérez Moya, Area Manager and Tercio Rodrigues, Product Manager for LATAM were present. The delegation was very pleased to have received detailed information about the Brazilian egg industry and the performance of our products by Tercio and some insight about the development on NOVOGEN in Latin America by Tomás.

This event was also a great occasion for us to enjoy the presence and collaboration of our distributor Novogen do Brasil. We thank Novogen do Brasil’s CEO, Mr. Gustavo Araujo for his invaluable presence and contribution during this visit.


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Meeting with Lorry Bécot

Meeting with Lorry Bécot

Meeting with Lorry Bécot

Meeting with…


– What is your role and mission at Novogen?

After my PhD dissertation in collaboration with INRAE on the optimisation of the selection on the floor system, I was hired at Novogen as a geneticist. My role is focused on the analysis of data collected from R&D and commercial farms. These data are then used to have a good understanding of genetic and genomic selection. The optimisation and development of the floor selection are one of the important topics I am working on with the R&D team. There are new criteria of selection that are very important when it comes to the development of NOVOGEN hens in different conditions of production. I am also pursuing a collaboration with INRAE concerning this topic with a lot of research questions. New projects have also been inaugurated with Iowa State University where I had a secondment for one (1) year.


-What is your project in the USA and why have you made this choice?

I wanted to acquire an experience abroad. NOVOGEN has given me a proposition to have a one-year secondment at Iowa State University aiming to develop research programmes with the university.
The project focuses on the analysis of field data in terms of crossbred layers from the lines of the company with the goal of identifying the most adaptable mathematical models and the best selection strategies. Specifically, we work on mortality rates in different environmental conditions, on the floor and in the cage.

-How was your integration in the United Stated?

The integration in the United States went very well. I had the opportunity to work both in multi-species genetic laboratory having a lot of experience. It is very enriching, and it complements my education. We already obtained very interesting results. I adapted rather well to American culture, even if it is quite different from Brittany !


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Novogen SAS proudly announces the appointment of Tercio Rodrigues as Product Manager for LATAM, effective February 2024. With this strategic move, Novogen aims to boost its presence and footprint in the region by leveraging Tercio´s expertise alongside Tomás Pérez Moya, the Area Manager.

Tercio will play a relevant role in enhancing Novogen relationships with distributors, expanding services and gathering valuable market insights and customer satisfaction data. His primary focus will be on nurturing the connection between Novogen and the egg industry in LATAM. Tercio’s primaryobjectives include providing comprehensive support to Novogen Distributors through personalized visits, educational seminars, and impactful promotional events. With Novogen do Brasil, Tercio will continue to collaborate closely with Gustavo Araújo, General Manager of Novogen do Brasil, and Adriano Rosseto, who recently joined the company as Technical and Sales Manager. Moreover, Tercio will engage with key industry partners across various LATAM countries to foster mutually beneficial business opportunities. The increased field presence of both Tercio and Tomás will facilitate continuous product enhancement through valuable feedback from industry stakeholders.

Novogen SAS warmly welcomes Tercio Rodrigues and looks forward to building up a strong team that will serve the egg producers while strengthening and consolidating our presence as an important player in the industry.

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Novogen at National Seminar in Indonesia

Novogen at National Seminar in Indonesia

Novogen at National Seminar in Indonesia

Dr Chai, representing NOVOGEN, served as a speaker at the national seminar organized by GGPU (Association of Poultry breeders) on 26th of September 2023. The seminar focused on the theme “Indonesian Poultry Business Toward Self-sufficient Food”.  During the event, Dr Chai explained how genetic selection improved the performance of layers. Novogen contributes to this progress by implementing new tools (genomics, RFID….) serving a more efficient breed.   Undoubtedly, this achievement helped Indonesia to achieve food self-sufficiency. Gratitude is extended to GPPU for this invitation.


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Novogen present at the 62nd edition of Festa do Ovo in Bastos

Novogen present at the 62nd edition of Festa do Ovo in Bastos

Novogen present at the 62nd edition of Festa do Ovo in Bastos

NOVOGEN was delighted to visit its distributor Novogen do Brasil while they participated at the 62nd edition of Festa do Ovo in Bastos, Sao Paulo.

Bastos city, Sao Paulo’s egg capital doubles its population during the Festa do ovo. More than 50,000 people attended the event and contributed to an amazing atmosphere. Novogen do Brasil welcomed many customers from the area and from abroad. It was great to hear from participants about their impressions of our products and their agreement with the quality standards managed by our distributor.

“It is wonderful to see our distributor doing well in a very competitive market. We support Novogen do Brasil’s efforts to provide a high-quality product for their clients. We are sure they are taking the steps in the right direction for achieving a high market share” said Tomás Pérez, Novogen’s Area Manager for Americas. Such efforts will certainly enable our products to express their maximum potential.


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SPACE 2023: Great success for NOVOGEN

SPACE 2023: Great success for NOVOGEN

SPACE 2023: Great success for NOVOGEN

NOVOGEN exhibited at the 37th edition of the SPACE show on September 12th-14th in Rennes, France. With more than 1,200 exhibitors and 91,000 visitors, including many international visitors from 122 countries, SPACE confirmed again its national and international appeal.

The NOVOGEN team has been pleased to welcome and meet many customers, partners and visitors representing the whole poultry industry, mainly coming from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. They all expressed their great satisfaction about the NOVOGEN products, underlining the very good adaptability and performances of the birds obtained in their various conditions of production. 

The NOVOGEN team will be pleased to welcome its customers and partners during the upcoming exhibitions, including the VIV MEA show in Abu Dhabi  in November.



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