VIV MEA 2023 was held in Abu Dhabi from November 20 to 23, 2023, where Novogen was represented by its international team.
These days of the exhibition will be remembered as a joyful event – a contract for the supply of a parent stock flock of NOVOgen Tinted with Progress Parranda (Uzbekistan) was signed right at the booth.
Progress Parranda has been the official producer and supplier of NOVOgen Tinted, White and Brown layers to the markets of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan for several years, becoming a reliable and responsible partner for both NOVOGEN and its own customers.
Having overcome a difficult transition period, the company is moving to the next level. In the upcoming spring of 2024, it is set to launch a state-of-the-art hatchery equipped with the latest technology. Thanks to the joint work and the support of the French technical team, biosecurity and veterinary considerations inside the hatchery have been carefully planned out. The shared commitment of NOVOGEN in France and Progress Parranda in Uzbekistan reflects the desire of the supplier to produce high-quality layers, making this endeavor a result of diligent and time-intensive work.
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